Highlands and Islands Enterprise puts in 190m to help fund broadband rollout

The Highlands and Islands are set to get a boost as the Highlands and Islands Enterprise has announced that they are putting in abound 190 million in investments in the area.

This includes improvements on the broadband front as well.

The development agency has indicated that it will be using the funds to develop key economic sectors and address challenges that are currently in a fragile state.

These include the roll-out of superfast broadband connections in the area.

HIE chief executive Alex Paterson said: With the security of knowing our baseline budget from the Scottish government for the next three years, we ve been able to plan ahead with confidence.

We ll have a strong focus on developing the sectors the Government Economic Strategy has identified as critical for Scotland’s economic growth energy, life sciences, creative industries, food and drink, sustainable tourism, financial and business services, and universities.

The overall plan from HIE is composed of 145.2 million of baseline funding from the Scottish government, anticipated income amounting to 15 million from the European Union, capital receipts of 12 million, and revenue receipts of 17.4million.

Through these plans, HIE hopes to help the Highlands and Islands create or retain between 700 and 900 jobs each year between now until 2015.

Paterson added: At the same time, HIE’s unique integration of community and economic development powers gives us the ability to pursue opportunities and address challenges affecting our fragile areas in particular.

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